6:00. Missing mom update. Police now searching a new location.
6:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
6:20 – 6:40. Dominican Republic. Dangerous or not. Or..sandwich shops.
7:00. Attorney Maddox is on the phone to talk about the new developments in the New Canaan Mom case.
7:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Alligator used for gender reveal.
7:30 – 7:40. Auction items for our Veteran’s Gala.
8:00. Defense Attorney Norm Pattis is on the phone. He is currently defending Fotis Dulos in the New Canaan Mom case.
8:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
8:20 – 8:40. Jimmy Koplik is on the phone. What are some of the strange requests he’s received from artists?
9:00. Paul Mercurio is on the phone! He is performing at the Veterans Gala!
9:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Kevin from McDermott is in studio to reveal a surprise to Chaz and AJ!