Chaz admitted yesterday to an embarrassing spider moment, and we finally got to hear the details this morning when Jennifer called in. (0:00)
The Tribe called in their insect incidents to make Chaz feel better, and one guy nearly burned down his entire house because of some ants. (5:22)
The insect stories continued, with a horrifying trip to Canada because of a massive spider. Ashley then relived the time she and her fiance, Erik worked together to kill a spider, which thankfully was caught on tape. (10:03)
AJ called in with an update on his health status, and his call in to the show was comical for all the wrong reasons. (14:40)
Dumb Ass News – A man is arrested for driving erratically, and sporting a bumper sticker that reads “not drunk.” Plus, an American Idol contestant hits the deck in dramatic fashion. (21:34)
John Schneider from Dukes of Hazzard was back on this morning, and responded to a listener email that claimed he was in high school with their cousin, and he remembered! Plus, Chaz had Drew from the promotions department on to talk about being a huge fan of the Dukes of Hazzard, and reminded Chaz about the lesson at the end of every show. (29:08)
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