6:00. More details released on the Branford shooting.6:13 – 7:00. How will Adam react to the news of Ashley’s sock development? What do you collect?
7:00. How to NOT get bit by a dog. National dog bite prevention week. Michelle Douglas, “the Dog lady” on the phone
7:13. Dumb Ass News. What happens when you buy a house with money accidentally deposited into your account.
7:20. Woman thought she was engaged to Prince Harry.
7:30. Have you ever been duped by the internet?
8:00. More details about the shooting in Branford, and a crypto currency guy is found dead.8:13 – 9:00. Any CT concert updates? Concert Guru Jimmy Koplik.
9:00. Buddy the Beefalo has been captured. Plymouth Police on the phone.
9:13. Dumb Ass News. Liposuction doctor dancing with human fat in TikTok
9:20. Chaz catches up with Anthony Cumia. Formerly of Opie and Anthony and now owns his own media company. Compound media.
Tickets for his show tomorrow HERE!