6:00. New COVID guidelines and how being fully vaccinated can get you a free drink in Connecticut.
6:13 – 7:00. The best jobs to have if you’re working for tips.
7:00. Prancer the demonic chihuahua has found a home in Connecticut. And Joe Biden checks in.
7:13. Dumb Ass News. What did this guy inhale to make him sound like this?
7:40. 13 ticks on his nads – AJ Parody Song.
8:00. So how much is Eddie Van Halen’s 1930 something Ford worth? It’s for sale.
Wayne Carini.
8:13 – 9:00. What are the top 5 movie themes. Movie Critic Joe Meyers.
@joesview on Instagram and Twitter
9:00. You’ll be surprised as to how many people have been working from home drunk or stoned. Call in if you’re one of them. 877-764-2535
9:13. Dumb Ass News. A hospital typo turns a baby into a vegetable.
9:20. Grammy Award winner Lisa Fischer. You can purchase tickets to her show at the Ridgefield Playhouse HERE!