6:00. These Halloween decorations could bring unwanted trouble.
6:20. The best of our worst times trying to speak. The “Flubble Montage!”
6:30. A guy falls 9 stories and lands on a Beamer. What do you think the first thing a the person standing next to the car did?
6:40. Call in, “how you almost died.” These stories are always fascinating! Everyone on gets in the running for “The Legends of Fear” skip-the-line passes! 877-764-2535
7:00. How would you react if you saw a UFO? 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A guy gets his ass kicked by a rooster and another guy has a Walmart moment.
7:30. WFSB’s Scot Haney.
8:00. Kim from Make-A-Wish and Anthony himself.
8:20. A celebrity encounter went good and then bad. Comedian Mo Mussa. He is performing at the Hartford Funnybone tonight, opening for Desi Banks! You can purchase tickets HERE!
8:30. Call in YOUR celebrity encounters. 877-764-2535
9:00. A guy tells a reporter what he’d buy if he won the lottery and the reporter can’t take it. Also, Tom Haynes from Quarry Walk in Oxford. Unfortunately, the Chaz and AJ Haynes Car Show has been cancelled on Sunday due to inclement weather, but the entire month of October is “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” You can help by donating to Seymour Pink.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. The best of our worst times trying to speak. The Flubble montage up next.
9:30. Boss Keith’s Top 5.