Joe Della Monica is a retired Milford police officer, and was on the phone this morning to talk about his military career. He served in the air force during Desert Storm, then was deployed with the National Guard following the events of 9/11. Longtime Tribe member Beefman also called in to talk about his father serving in World War II, where he was part of a unit that operated half track vehicles. (0:00)
Robert Lombardo has been awards five purple hearts and bronze stars for his actions as a platoon medic. He was on the phone with Chaz and AJ this morning to share the details from his heroic actions, during a raging battle that had him under constant gunfire and threat of shrapnel. (22:46)
Vietnam Veteran Art Wiknik called in to share a story from his service, that involved the death of a wild boar and a lot of punishment. (36:01)
Image Credit: Art Wiknik