6:00. 9 years since Sandy Hook. No school there today. Comedian Pat Oates in studio
6:20. A four thousand dollar tip gets a waitress fired. What’s the protocol?
6:30. Christmas tipping. Who and how much. Mail carrier. Teacher. Call in your vote! 877-764-2535
7:20. Dumb Ass News. A Florida driver leads deputies on chase over golf course.
7:30. How did AJ’s surgery go. Hello?
7:40. Your not-so-great medical moment. Call in at 877-764-2535.
8:00. 5 teens in Seymour charged after making an alarming social media post. Seymour Police Chief Paul Satkowski.
8:20. Only Fans Model Allie Rae. This former nurse has made so much money on only fans that she just invested a million dollars of her own money on her next venture….WetSpace.com
8:30. She was recently on Dr. Phil! How was the show?
9:00. News.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Sandy Hook. 9 years. Moment of silence.