A big tip went viral on social media, then the server was fired for taking the money instead of splitting it with her other co-workers. Chaz, comedian Pat Oates, Ashley, Phil and the Tribe debate who was cause of the problem. Tribe member Sarge called in a story about his wife who was left with just a $5 tip for a massive party that included Michael Jackson. (0:00)
Dumb Ass News – How do you spell, “Delaware?” Turns out even folks in Delaware get it wrong sometimes. (11:01)
AJ is home recovering from hernia surgery yesterday, but was on the phone to offer a very encouraging update on his progress. (14:35)
Everyone was surprised when Michael called in. Chaz was expecting to speak with attorney Maddox, since that’s who he had texted, but only realized after the fact that he actually had the number wrong the whole time. (29:03)
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