6:00. School systems in Connecticut on alert and our buddy Joey from Southbury got a step closer to the US Olympic snow board team! King of the Nerds, Mitch Hallock, reviews the new Spiderman movie! 6:20. The best Flubbles of 2021!!
7:00. 101-year-old WWII veteran Lenny Landau on the show to share the secret to living a long, happy life.
7:20. Dumb Ass News.
7:30. WFSB’s Scot Haney.
8:00. Governor Lamont on the phone. How will he be spending his Christmas? What’s on his wish list?
8:20. Here’s what to clean if you’re having company for the holidays… Comedian Alyssa Goggi in studio.
9:00. How will Jimmy Koplik be spending the holidays?
9:20. Dumb Ass News. The best Flubbles of 2021!!
9:30. Boss Keith’s last Top 5 list of 2021.