6:00. More Johnny Depp weirdness.
6:20 – 6:40. How was your weekend? Call it in… 877-764-2535!
7:00. Do the Yankees have the worst fan base in sports? Jason Page on the phone.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Mom thinks MILF stands for “Man, I like frogs”
7:30. Shock Collar Trivia with AJ
8:00. How bad can a few airplanes be in East Haven?
8:20 – 8:40. The weird things seen at the West Haven Walmart. Jimmy Rap on the phone. “Romeo’s Bleeding,” The Bon Jovi Experience, playing THIS SATURDAY (April 30) at “TCB Bar and Billiards” in North Haven. $10 dollar tickets at the door.
9:00. Guitar legend Yngwie Malmsteen. He’s at the Wall Street Theater in Norwalk on May 6! You can purchase tickets HERE!
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Don’t shoot the manager if you want him to hire you.
9:30. The Chaz and AJ Biller Associates Public Insurance Adjusters Great Grocery Giveaway. How you got fired.