6:00. E bikes seem great until THIS happens.
6:20. Rob Ray…… also known as…. The Tune-A-Nator.
6:30. The state with the most confrontational drivers is…?
6:40. What is your best Road Rage story? Call it in at 877-764-2535!
7:00. Football this weekend: Dramatic ending and an embarrassing blow out. NFL agent Joe Linta is on the phone. Also, Comedian Dave Reilly in studio.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. The odd place a doctor found an eight inch can of deodorant.
7:30. Call in the weirdo you worked with… 877-764-2535. Everyone on gets in the running for Adam Sandler tickets.
8:00. Are the iPhone upgrades worth the money? Steve Greenberg the Gadget Guy is on the phone.
8:20. Stunt or stupid. We wrap AJ’s face in cellophane – will we be able to understand what he’s saying?
9:00. Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral is today.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Your chance to win $99 in gas! And Cherry the Mistress is the girl makes a ton of money for being very hairy.