6:00. A man found drinking motor oil in Connecticut.
6:20. The Bohemian Rhapsody video director died at the age of 81. Guess how much he got paid for making that video?
6:30. The most memorable music videos. (for the right or wrong reasons)
7:00. How do you pull a 1000 pound horse out of the mud in the middle of the woods? It happened on Tuesday. Watch the dramatic rescue.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Dad allows kid to drive car. Guess what happens next.
7:30. Parenting Fails: Call in with yours (877) 764-2535.
8:00. How much did we (Connecticut) spend on weed last week? A lot.
8:20. Jimmy Koplik. Concert news and questions answered. (877) 764-2535
8:40. This day in Connecticut concert history.
9:00. A new 9-1-1 system allows us to stream video to the 9-1-1 operator.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. An animal activist goes nuts on a lady that was legally fishing.
9:30. Stump the Chumps. Category: Connecticut landmarks. The Prize: Tickets to Comedian Dane Cook at Mohegan Sun. Call (877) 764-2535 .