PODCAST – Wednesday, April 3: Preparing For The Solar Eclipse; Haven Hot Chicken; What Are The Chances?

Total eclipse of the Sun. The moon covers the sun in a solar eclipse.

PODCAST – Wednesday, April 3: Preparing For The Solar Eclipse; Haven Hot Chicken; What Are The Chances?

Does a total solar eclipse mean the end of the world?  Chaz & AJ learned about the worst potential outcomes of the rare event, and also the best place to see it. (0:00)

Jason Sobocinski from Haven Hot Chicken came by to feed the crew and talk about his involvement in the Caseus Cheese Truck, Black Hog Brewing and Ordinary. (7:58)

Chaz & AJ played a game of “What Are The Chances”, and the Tribe proved there is no such thing as coincidence! (25:25)

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