Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, April 18th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, April 18th

6:00. Who had a car stolen?(203) 882-9757

6:20. The Top Ten Hype songs with Ashley Baylor.

6:40. The best call of the week so far gets his own song.

7::00. Will Bristol be killing all the geese? The Bristol Mayor is up next.

7:20. Dumb Ass News. A man stole luxury vibrators.

Autumn Harvest in studio. She’s opening for Don Jamieson at Fairfield Comedy Circle this Saturday.

7:30. The DOT suggestion box is open. DOT Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto is in-studio today.

7:40. Distracted driving stories. The odd things you’ve seen people do while driving. (203) 882-9757

8:00. An axe-wielding man arrested in Fairfield. Also-do they still have the giant turtle at the Peabody Museum?

8:20. Live Nation’s Jimmy Koplik. What’s his take on how they will be announcing the Rock Hall of Fame inductees this year?

8:30. Calls (the most memorable thing you saw at a Connecticut concert) (203) 882-9757

9:00. Lucky ass death dodging people

9:20. Dumb Ass News.

9:30. Stump the Chumps. Stoner movie week continues with Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Jim Breuer tickets at College Street (203) 882-9757