Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, May 23rd

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, May 23rd

6:00. Deer strike and road rage.

6:20. The top 10 TV shows that would never air today with Ashley Baylor. (203) 882-9757

6:40. The wonderful world of the CT DMV.

7:00. Will she knock you out with her beauty or her right hook? MMA fighter Dakota Ditcheva

7:20. Dumb Ass News. Fill in the blank win a tank of gas and maybe $1000 courtesy of Chevrolet of Milford. (203) 882-9757

Comedian Brian Blackmore in-studio

7:30. The wildest and oddest animal rescues by Durham Animal Response Team.

8:00. A very strong reminder of what the upcoming weekend is all about. Veteran Art Wiknik.

8:20. Jimmy Koplik. Concert updates and any new announcements.

8:30. Xfinity field stories from back in the day.

9:00. Comedian and Podcaster Paul Scheer

9:20. Dumb ass news. A fight over syrup leads to assault charges

9:30. Stump the chumps. Jon Stewart tickets. (203) 882-9757. Famous movie animal trivia.